A flying eagle cent in the well. 1959 proof penny — 1,149,291 minted; How much lincoln memorial cent are worth.
Penny 1940 Worth Lincoln Wheat Pennies Values And Prices Past Sales
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See more ideas about rare coins worth money, old coins worth money, valuable coins.
If you’ve ever found an old penny and wondered, “how much is this worth?” then you’re in the right place.
Lincoln wheat and indian penny values chart 2024. 1959 no mint mark penny: I’m going to walk you through a comprehensive penny values chart from 1959 to 2011. Most of the cents that are commonly collected are the wheat reverse, often called the “wheat cent” or “wheat penny”.
A comprehensive chart detailing the value spectrum of 1959 pennies aids collectors and enthusiasts in understanding the market. Coins contains 15 distinct entries with cpg® values between $0.25. Proof coins can be worth $3.38 or more. Click here to learn how to use coin price.

Find the current lincoln cent (wheat reverse) values by year, coin varieties, and specific grade.
Penny values chart 1959 to 2011. This series ran until 1959 when it was replaced with the. This very first penny was only minted for the one year, in 1787. Click here to learn how to use coin price charts.
Usa coin book estimated value of 1959 lincoln memorial penny is worth $0.23 to $1.16 or more in uncirculated (ms+) mint condition. Lookup coin values for good, very good, fine, very fine, brilliant uncirculated & proof conditions and ms grade. Here’s a 1959 lincoln penny values chart that will help you get an overview of the 1959 penny pricing: Also, click here to learn about grading.

1959 penny — 609,715,000 minted;
Here is our pennies worth money list based on recent auction records. Find the current lincoln cent (modern) values by year, coin varieties, and specific grade. Flying eagle cent heritage auction galleries, ha.com. Find the most valuable wheat pennies worth money as well as key dates with our wheat penny value guide.
The value of a penny 2011 british coin depends on several factors such as quality and wear, supply and demand, rarity, finish and more. Use our list to find the estimated worth of your coin.